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  2. Basic Account Setup

How to Setup a Custom Source Format in Slate

This article will answer how to setup a source format that allows for the connection of Slate in the Slate ↔ HubSpot integration.

In order to connect your Slate instance to your Slate ↔ HubSpot integration account, you'll need to setup a custom Source Format in Slate and share the web service name and URL within the integration. 

  1. In Slate, go to "Database > Source Formats > New Source Format"

  2. Configure the Source Format as follows and hit "Save":
    1. Status: Active
    2. Format: JSON
    3. Type: One-Time / Differential
    4. Remap As Of Date: Date in Recent Past
    5. Remap Active: Active
    6. Scope: Person/Dataset Record
    7. Dataset: will depend on your specific Slate bases. Usually is Person/Application Records
    8. Disable Update Queue: Allow records to enter update queue upon import (allows rules to fire)
    9. Update Only: Allow record creation
    10. Dedupe: Dedupe records within source on first + last + email + birthdate

  3. Once you're directed to the newly created source format, click "View" next to Web Services and copy the URL under Standard.

  4. Once the source format is created and the URL is copied, you may enter the Source Format name and URL under "Connections" in your integration account as part of the Slate Account connection setup. 

Click here to learn how to create a Service Account.